Sunday, May 13, 2007

The Birds

As I read all of our stories from the past week, I am so encouraged by God's faithfulness in filling our minds and hearts with a new awareness! One of the continuing themes for me this week has been birds...beautiful, unique creatures that have been flying in and out of all my days. It started last Tuesday, the day after our first gathering...I was having a challenging day (that's the nicest thing I can call the day). But, as I looked out my kitchen window when I got home, I saw this beautiful, perfectly-made cardinal. Skipping through the grass, his red feathers were in stark contrast to the greeen grass. I smiled and thought of Christmas. Just a few hours later, as I walked out to my car, my eye went to the tree in our front yard and there was a powder blue bluebird. Again, perfectly made...Both times, these simple but fantastic creatures brought such joy to my heart and a smile to my face. I felt renewed by the splendor of God's creation.

Those two occasions during my crazy Tuesday would have been remarkable on their own, but the pattern has continued...each and evey day since, I have seen the most beautiful birds. Perhaps I'm seeing them more now because I am looking, but no matter what, encouragement is all around us...provided by God, if we just look!

1 comment:

deAnn Alyse said...

Diane, God is showing you His beauty through His creations of our flying feathered little friends. The awesome thing is that you are noticing them - therefore your mind is led to God through them. And that is the best yet! Hope this week is smoother than last Tuesday! Take care - keep looking - life is full of God. :0) deAnn