Friday, September 10, 2010


I know you're with me, Lord
Your Word assures me of Your presence.
My heart yearns for time and space
To find the deep connection with You
That my heart desires above all else.
Why, then, do less important things
Clutter my life and crowd out Your peace?
Why is my day consumed by the mundane
Instead of recognizing the miracles all around?
Capture my heart and my imagination, Lord,
With the wondrous plan You have for me
Crafted before my birth to give glory to Your name.
Open the floodgate of my life
To be significant for You
An oasis for others in our parched world.

Haiku Fun

Back to some writing after a long break...had a wonderful time at LW writer's group last evening and tried some Haiku for the first is what emerged:

Waiting for results
It is hard to be patient
Can you hear me Lord?

The years pass by fast
Too quickly here then gone
Cherish them today.

Glorious God above
Savior, healer, provider
Let me rest in You.

Worried, anxious Mom
Loving unconditionally
Surely trusting God.

Senior Year
Senior year is here
Brand new opportunities
Bridge to the future